One of the most asked questions we receive, by far, is “What strain will do well in my environment?” It is a question that virtually every single grower has at one point or another. This article will discuss some of the different types of strains that do well in specific environments. Keep in mind this is only a guide; it is not an end all be all. This guide pertains primarily to outdoor or greenhouse grows. Some of these guidelines can be used for indoor cultivation, but with the ability to dial in those inputs, the indoor environment doesn’t matter as much.
When thinking about a strain to select there are several things to keep in mind.
Most importantly, you want to figure out what your “Grow Goals” are. The reasons for someone growing this plant are almost as numerous as the strains that are available at Multiverse Beans. Some folks grow for very specific medical reasons, some grow to minimize the amount of money they spend at a dispensary or store. Whatever your reason for growing cannabis, keep your reason for the grow in mind when it comes to selecting a strain of cannabis to cultivate. Most of the time we get the question, “what strain does well in high humidity and high heat” or “short seasons with a wet fall” or other types of environment specific questions. Instead of going through a specific list of strain names and where they are most likely to thrive, we will provide some basic things to look for when selecting a strain based on environmental factors.
So what kind of strains do well in high heat and high humidity? For high humidity, the main thing to be on the lookout for is internode spacing, or how close are each set of lateral branches apart from one another. The further the internode spacing is, the better the airflow will be. When fighting issues associated with high humidity, the main thing to keep in mind is airflow. Airflow is your friend. The bad things like mold and rot love a still, stagnant, and humid environment. Ensuring the appropriate amount of airflow will keep those pockets of humidity at bay. This starts with a strain that, in most cases, will be taller and “lankier.” Generally, most sativa leaning cultivars meet this description.
Photos from
Strains that can handle high heat are ones that evolved in a part of the world that regularly have higher temperatures. Think places like Mexico, Thailand, Southern India etc. After millions of years of evolution, these places produce cannabis that are not only more tolerant of heat but actually thrive in it. These are going to be all of your Haze varieties! Sativa dominant Haze strains from these regions of the world are going to be the best suited for high heat conditions. Now, with that being said, they will still need proper care, proper watering is a MUST when it comes to growing cannabis where it is very hot outside.
Haze photos from
Another common environmental parameter we get asked about is the cold and wet. The pacific northwest and the north eastern region of the United States are both very similar in their climate conditions – short summers, and cold, wet falls. When it comes to these areas of the country or other places with these types of conditions, landraces are your friend.
For those that are not familiar with what the“landrace” strain, let’s cover that quickly. A “landrace” strain is a strain that is indigenous to a certain part of the world, one that is adapted to the climatic conditions of that specific place. Most landrace strains are very hardy and resilient, especially when subjected to wild weather swings and extreme conditions.
Landrace photos from
There are a wide variety of strains and reasons to grow them. It would be virtually impossible to cover them all in one article. This is a topic we will continue to discuss more in-depth in articles to come! A tip to keep in mind: sites like Leafly and SeedFinder are amazing resources that allow you to get the parental lineage of almost any strain on the planet. This is a great way to get familiar with the hybrids and landraces that are available. It will allow you to get a rather good idea about what different types of strains will do best in your specific cultivation setup!
To learn more, contact us via our online contact form today. And, ss always, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, & Discord.
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